Set Up the EncryptorPro Connector

Create a New Flow #

  • Open Power Automate and create a new Instant flow.
  • Give the flow a name and select Manually trigger a flow.

Find the EncryptorPro Custom Connector #

In the action search bar, go to the Custom tab and select Encryptor Pro.

Select Action #

Choose between Encrypt Data or Decrypt Data actions.

On first use, you’ll be prompted to create a new connection.

No API keys or account IDs are required—simply authorise the connector to start using it.

Encrypt Action #

When the Encrypt Data action has been selected, simply enter the text or pass any relevant variable into the ‘Data to be encrypted’ field. The encrypted data response will live in the ‘Encrypted Data’ output.

Decrypt Action #

When the Decrypt Data action has been selected, simply enter the encrypted text or pass any relevant variable into the ‘Data to be decrypted’ field. Ensure that the encrypted data is the same data EncryptorPro previously encrypted. EncryptorPro will not be able to decrypt data that was encrypted through other AES-256 encryption tools. The decrypted data response will live in the ‘Decrypted Data’ output.

Disclaimer #

AES-256 encryption requires a custom Key and IV per encryption tool. For that reason, EncryptorPro will not be able to decrypt data that has been encrypted by other encryption tools.

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Updated on November 14, 2024